
“The purpose of the Provincial ASB Committee is to achieve a collective voice for the ASBs across Alberta that would facilitate and represent both the diversity and the commonalities of the ASBs.” 2019 orientation manual This is achieved primarily through the provincial resolution process.

Resolutions that receive approval at a Provincial ASB Conference are considered “active” for a period of five years. The Provincial ASB Committee advocates for these resolutions for this time period. Once a resolution expires, it may be brought back to the voting delegates for approval again at the next Provincial ASB Conference. Updates on the status of a resolution may be found in the Resolution Report Cards.

See Section 3(d) of the Provincial Rules of Procedure for clarification on the status of resolutions and how long they remain active.

Minutes from Provincial ASB Conference Resolution Sessions

Active Resolutions

Resolution Report Cards

Resolution Archives

Resolution Rules of Procedure

Tips for Writing Resolutions