Historic Overview

ASBs were first established as a pilot project in the municipalities of M.D. of Conrich and the County of Red Deer in 1943.  Provincial inspectors in the 1940s realized that municipalities were closest to problems and could deal with requests or issues more quickly than provincial inspectors could.  Special agricultural committees consisting of two councillors, two farmers and the district agriculturist were established and given partial funding to operate from Alberta Agriculture.  These committees were successful and a resolution was passed at the municipal districts convention in November 1944 requesting the establishment of ASBs throughout Alberta.

The Agricultural Service Board (ASB) Act was drafted and passed into legislation in the spring of 1945.  This legislation assigned specific duties and powers to municipal and provincial partners, while encouraging a cooperative and coordinated effort to develop agricultural policies and programs of mutual benefit.

History of ASBs

AAAF History of ASBs